Most travelers would be surprised by the rich history and traditions of Taiwan indigenous peoples. Currently, there are 14 officially recognized indigenous tribes: Amis, Atayal, Bunun, Kavalan, Paiwan, Puyuma, Rukai, Saisiyat, Sakizaya, Thao, Truku (Taroko), Tsou, Yami and Seediq Tribe. The common characteristics of these indigenous peoples are, building houses on stilts to protect against damp, insects, and snakes; adopting slash-and-burn farming style; being keen on chewing betel nuts and good at bamboo and rattan weaving; relying on hunting and fishing.

The best way to know Taiwanese indigenous culture is visit museums or aboriginal theme parks, or go to the original villages high up in the mountains. In addition, with ecotourism has been growing in popularity, travelers are eager for exploration of Taiwanese indigenous culture, as many indigenous areas are surrounded by natural beauty.

Fortunately, in recent years more and more attention has been paid to indigenous peoples. Aboriginal harvest festivals are held each summer and usually will last for several days. During which the members of the tribe (in various combinations, such as young warriors or only females, etc.) will dance into a circle by following the chants of a tribal elder. Most of the villages welcome visitors to join in the celebrations and dance together, but before heading to join, it is a good idea for travelers to acquire some basic information about the traditions and culture.

Also, travelers can know about Taiwanese aborigine through the TV ads and radio songs of aboriginal pop stars like A-Mei and TV news reports about aboriginal cultural activities.

Taiwan OCAC: Indigenous people in Taiwan
Taiwan Yuan-Yuan原緣文化藝術團2015西班牙國際藝術節「美麗台灣-大地之歌」
【央廣】天籟之音 希望合唱團